Don Bosco, Khorhatoli, Kokar, PB 201 Ranchi,  JHARKHAND 834 001

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends, Welcome to the Kokar Church Website !

 As a family and as a community on our commitment to follow Jesus, we worship him with joy and enthusiasm, and we pray together in the parish, at our home and throughout life. We keep growing in  the  love of God and divine things also by knowing Him and  His  Church.    We  feel loved and welcomed at Holy Angels, Kokar and we extend our love to people outside the Church through compassion and goodness.     

Over the years, we gratefully acknowledge that we have grown as a community in many ways. We are glad that this P arish Website is  another  wonderful means  for us to  discover our  church  as a family of brothers  and sisters, sharing our yesterdays  and our  tomorrows, even  more our  todays with our problems and our solutions, our time and our presence, yes with our life and its flows.                 Enjoy the Website and our fellowship. Keep learning and building your relationship with God and your large family. So welcome to our Kokar Parish Website and let’s spend a few moments and discover ourselves in the parish and in the Church.    

Yours Affectionately

Fr. Michael Peedikayil sdb.

Fr. Rector of Don Bosco institute kokar ranchi

Dear Parishioners and Well-wishers,
It’s indeed a great pleasure and joy for all of us especially to the faithful of Holy Angels’ Church Kokar that we are marching a head with our horizons. Certain things, activities or works are possible through human hands but with the advent of social media these certain things, activities and works are manifested to the outside world and they have been made known to everyone. In the Bible, the book of Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Our goal with this new website is to provide our Parishioners / friends / visitors an easier way to learn about the Parish, its activities, different association’s contributions towards the development of the Parish etc. It will keep us informed daily of events in the parish; marriages, family events, parish events and diocesan news. At this time, it will also be a vital means of keeping us up-to-date with the plans for renewal of faith in the parish and in the diocese.
The following are some more reasons to launch this new website:
• Evangelization – A new design to highlight God’s Work happening in our Parish.
• Communication – To provide the information we need at our fingertips.
• Connections – Connecting the Priest and Parishioners, including new families and visitors to our Church’s prayer, activities and ministry.
We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, pictures, ward news, Church announcements etc.
Let us make use of this parish website. We are grateful to Fr. Abhay and Mr. Praveen who took initiative to reorganize this website. Let us all work together for the uplift of the parishioners.

Fr. Anand Surin sdb.

Parish priest of holy angels' church kokar, ranchi

Greetings & Whishes….

Today’s world needs to impart and exchange information not only to the few masses but on a large scale to a wide range of people all over the world. I am delighted and happy to see that Holy Angels’ Church Kokar, Ranchi is inaugurating our own Parish website so that the people across the globe are aware of everything happening in our Parish. Pope Francis said that the internet, emails, chats, text messages and social networking sites are a gift from God and can be considered as forms of communication between human beings. The Parish and the Core Team of this Website will surely strive hard to keep you informed, and update all the happenings in our Parish. This will open up broader horizons for many people and I firmly believe that this mode of communication is a gift from God which involves a great responsibility. 

        Social networking sites can facilitate relationships and promote the good of society. I would personally appeal to all my Parishioners to promote and help in building more closeness and spread the good news of Jesus through this Website. Let us all feel free to express and share all that is true, good and beautiful. I am really grateful to Youth for taking sole initiative in opening this website. I am also grateful and appreciate the core team and all the people for putting in efforts in contributing towards building up our Church website. I assure my priestly blessings upon each and every one of you for your dedication and hard work. Through the intercession of our Patroness Holy Angels, and blessings of the Almighty God, may we continue to spread the love and good news of Jesus across the world.

Fr. Abhay Minz sdb.

Asst. Parish Priest Holy angels' church kokar, ranchi

हमे यह जानकर हार्दिक खुशी हो रही हैं, कि हमारे कोकर पल्ली के युवकों द्वारा website बनाया गया। इस website द्वारा हमारी स्थिति, सूचनाओं और अद्यतन जानकारियों का आदान प्रदान हो सके।
आज डिजिटल युग में यह एक अच्छी कोशिश हैं। इससे यहां के सभी लोग लाभान्वित होंगे। इस जानकारियों का पिटारा बनाकर रखना हैं।
बहुत कठिन कोशिशों के बाद युवा संघ के बेटे बेटियों ने पल्ली युवा संघ को जीवित रखा हैं।
अतः उन्हें धन्यवाद देना उचित लगता हैं, और भी बच्चों का योगदान हैं, हम सभी के प्रयत्न के लिए धन्यवाद एवं बधाई।
हमारे आशीर्वाद एवम प्रोत्साहन, प्यार आपके साथ रहेगा। आप आगे बढ़ते रहे, नई मंजिल खोजें और पाएं।
शुभकामनाएं एवम आशीर्वाद।

Mr. Paul F. Kullu

Catholic Sabha President


इस समय जब पूरी दुनिया सभी क्षेत्र में जैसे शिक्षा, धर्म, व्यवसाय , सूचना और मनोरंजन आदि ऑनलाइन हो गई है। हमारे कोकर पल्ली के युवाजन भी पीछे नहीं हैं। वेबसाइट बनाकर अपने कर्मठता एवं जागरुकता का परिचय दिया। समाज एवं कलीसिया में भाईचारा, एकता, सहयोग एवं प्रेम और दर्शाता है । जिससे हमें सभी तरह की जानकारियां मिल रही है। आपके इस रचनात्मक कार्य के लिए मैं शुक्रगुजार हूं।
आप सभी को बधाई देती, सफल भविष्य की कामना करती हूं । ग्रुप में एकता बनाए रखें। समाज, देश एवं कलीसिया के लिए अच्छा नमूना बनें। यही शुभकामनाएं हैं, मेरी तरफ से।

Mrs. Silbea Ekka

Mahila Sangh President

जय येसु मैं स्मिता तिर्की कोकर खोरहा टोली दूअम्बा के युवा संघ की अध्यक्ष हूं। एक युवा अध्यक्ष होने के नाते मैं यही कहूंगी कि हम युवाओं को हर क्षेत्र में आगे होना चाहिए। एक अध्यक्ष को अपने आप में आत्मविश्वास होना चाहिए कि वह किसी भी कार्य को बेधड़क और निडर होकर कर सके, और उनमें किसी भी कार्य को चाहे वह छोटा हो या बड़ा हो उस कार्य को करने का जज्बा होना चाहिए, जुनून होना चाहिए और सबसे जरूरी तो यह है कि हम युवाओं में धैर्यशीलता, विवेकता, सहनशीलता, समझदारी, प्रेम और अपने बात व्यवहार में मधुरता होनी चाहिए। हम अपने बात व्यवहार में मधुरता रखेंगे तो लोग हमें अपने आप पसंद करने लगते हैं और क्योंकि हम सब युवा हैं तो हमें एक दूसरे के प्रति प्रेम की भावना रखनी चाहिए क्योंकि “प्रेम सर्वश्रेष्ठ है”। हम दूसरों को या दूसरे युवा भाई बहनों को प्रेम देंगे तो हमें भी बदले में प्रेम ही मिलेगा और इस प्रेम की भावना और हमारे बात व्यवहार को देखकर और भी युवा हमारी ओर आकर्षित होंगे और हम अधिक से अधिक युवाओं को जोड़ सकेंगे। “प्रेम करो प्रेम रखो ईश्वर प्रेम सिखाता है” धन्यवाद !

Miss Smita Tirkey

vice-President of the YOUTH

मैं 13 वर्षों से पल्ली में प्रचारक के रूप में कार्यरत हूं। पल्ली के युवाओं के द्वारा जो वेबसाइट बनाया गया है यह पल्लीवासियोंं तक चर्च में हो रहे कार्यक्रमों की जानकारी पहुंचने का एक अच्छा माध्यम है। इसमें रविवारीय सूचना भी उपलब्ध है।
युवाओं के सराहनीय कदम के लिए ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं

Mr. Paulus Topno

Catechist of Holy angels' church kokar, ranchi

Dear Viewers,
I take great pleasure in welcoming you to our website, which will unfold the unraveled world of the most unforgettable and precious moments of the Kokar Parish (Holy Angels’ Church).
I am thankful to our respected Assistant Parish Priest (Fr. Abhay Minz sdb.)for entrusting me with the responsibility of creating, designing, and editing. I want to thank all the youths of our parish and my team (Angels’ Connect) for helping and cooperating. During this work, I have learned and cultivated my knowledge about Kokar Parish (Holy Angels’ Church).
In the digital world, a website is crucial for any business, organization, school, college, etc. If a company does not have a website, it is missing several opportunities and potential customers. So, we should have a website that connects many people all over the world.
With the advent of the internet, the world has become smaller. Any kind of information is readily available and at our fingertips. The world of the internet is fantastic, and it continues to transform our lives, how we communicate, how we receive and share information, and live a quality life. Today many people spend most of their time on the internet, which could be for purchasing products, reading the news, watching a movie, using a service, etc.

At last, I am delighted that you are visiting as readers and hope that you will one day join as contributors.

Praween Lakra

Website Admin

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