Mahua Toli

Is a small unit, Always progressive and supportive of the welfarement and development of society.
Now we are more than 100 families which are divided into various Tola:
1) Joseph kocha
2)Girja kocha
3) Mariyam kocha
4) Prem Nagar

All the functions performed in our unit is been conducted very fluently by the coordination of the Catholic Sabha, Mahila Sangh, and Yuva Sangh.

Committee Members

Deepak Kujur


Neha Rani Lakra


Sushana Mundu


Johnson Kujur


Egnesh Kujur


Promod Kachhap


Message from President

“We believe in the development of all rather than individual development”.

Through this, I would like to spread the message to respect and Honour every individual.

Our efforts and the task will be successful only if we play a key role in the welfare of an individual.

-Deepak Kujur, President, Mahua Toli.

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