Chunna Bhatta

Chunna Bhatta consists of approximately 65 youth members. Every youth member has to abide by the rules and regulations that have been set for them. Every year the committee members collect youth funds as well as funds for Christmas.  Chunna Bhatta South youth committee consists of ten members including President, Vice President, Treasurer, Vice treasure, and four advisors. Chunna Bhatta actively participates in every activity that is organized in the church, whether it is a competition or a celebration. The youth members during Easter and  Christmas celebrations delightedly sing songs in the choir.During the month of May the procession is held by the youth as well as in Masses held in Chunna Bhatta throughout the year, the youth members take up the responsibility of singing. In the celebration of Easter and Christmas, the youth members organize a get-together. Carol singing is also one of the activities held by the Chunna Bhatta youth members at the time of Christmas which rejoices. each and every person in our unit.

Committee Members

Himanshu Toppo


Chandrika Teresa Khalkho


Aradhana Jenifer Minz


Ashwin Ankit Kindo


Anjali Grace Minj


Aman Anush Sanga


Roshan Ekka


Vijeta Trikey


Kunal Kujur


Niket Tigga


Message from President

जय येसु।
हमारे पारिश के लिए हर्ष की बात है कि वेबसाइट बनाया जा रहा है ।
We are the salesian youth. And also we have salesian spirit.

आशा करता हूं कि हमारे युवा वर्ग आधुनिक युग में आधुनिकता के साथ में आध्यात्मिक जीवन में भी इसी तरह आगे बढ़ते रहेंगे।


-Himanshu Toppo, President, Chunna Bhatta

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