Catechism Section

The Parish of the Holy Angel’s Church Kokar aims to make Christ known and loved and promote the salvation of all through pastoral, educative, and social involvement. That our parish community grows deeper in faith and love of Christ through active participation in liturgy and involvement in parish activity. The parish also aims to create a vibrant Christian community of good and upright citizens who will be catalysts for positive changes in society.

Fr. Abhay Minj sdb. , Catechism Incharge.

Teachers for Catechism Classes


  1. Fr. Abhay 
  2. Sr. Roshni
  3. Sr. Pushpika
  4. Sr. Amrita
  5. Sr. Mariyam
  6. Sr. Priyanka
  7. Sr. Anjela
  8. Sr. Amrita Sabhasundar
  9. Sr. Madhuri
  10. Sr. Deepika
  11. Sr. Rajini
  12. Miss. Alka
  13. Miss. Namita
  14. Miss. Sonal
  15. Sir Taj


  1. Nirdosh
  2. Amar
  3. Anupa

Teacher's point of view...

Miss Alka

Participating actively in the Sunday school since 2019 has been a marvelous journey for me. When I was invited to join the school I had no idea what I was supposed to do here but the positive energy of the children and their enthusiasm created new ideas in me. Since then I have invested myself for the better performance of this organ of the Church. For me, now, Catechism class is not just a routine but it is witnessing the innocence of heart, pure love, joy in little things and the clay yet to be molded. The presence of such innocent souls arouses a sense of responsibility in oneself which leads me to remain connected to Christ and give them what I receive spiritually. Being a part of The Sacraments (Holy Communion, Confession, Confirmation)has added fuel to my spiritual life, seeing how God loves children and everyone willing to come to Him. Yearly picnic from Sunday school to various new places has helped this small family of kids to grow healthy relationship and understanding among each other. It might be boring for people to attend The Holy Mass on Sundays however it’s very different in here as every Sunday is joyful, full of life with cheerful smiles and happy faces which makes The Holy Mass very meaningful. Children are eager to know more about Jesus, the life of saints, Mother Mary, the Church, and how it works so I try to hunt more around the books of saints and The Bible to be able to keep the hungry brains feeding with the very little knowledge I have. Thus, being a part of Catechism classes, I have learned to stay connected to the roots no matter what for a branch can’t live on its own. And yes Sunday school is not like normal schools and it is NO waste of time or energy it is The First Step to start a life full of morals and responsibility to live a prosperous spiritual and righteous life.

-Miss Alka

It’s been an honor to serve in the catechism class. I’ve been learning a lot from here, with teachers and also with the students. It’s been an incredible journey and I want to continue till my limits. My experience over here is very good. The aura of this place is very prosperous.

-Mr. Nirdosh

One of the greatest missions that Christ left the Holy Church is found in St. Mt 28:19-20 ” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Here, He entrusts the continuation of His mission to His disciples and apostles – preaching, teaching, and
baptizing. It is only through this mission that souls are saved and committed to the Kingdom of Heaven. Sunday School is an outgrowth of this mission and one of the most important ministries in the Holy Church today. The purpose of Sunday School is to teach our children how to live their Christian faith. Just as one would never cover a lighted candle, we too must never minimize the importance of
the Gospel and Christian living. In Sunday School, children are taught about the Holy Bible and Tradition, which provides a strong Christian foundation for them to go out into the world and share their faith and do good works. Children are taught to witness their Lord and Savior in thought, word, and deed. They are taught about charity and participation in the life of the Holy Church. They are taught to make decisions based on what God has commanded. For, as it says in Proverbs 22:6, by forming/molding/training our children, when they are young, in the correct way to live, they will not deviate from it later in life. This will strengthen their character and help them to grow in the grace of God.
             At HOLY ANGELS’ CHURCH, KOKAR we realize the need for sound Christian instruction.
Our staff is dedicated to training our children in the Holy Bible, Christian faith, and Tradition. Lessons focus on stories from the Bible, church history, and the fundamentals of Christianity. Classes are arranged by age and meet every Sunday after the Holy Liturgy, except on major feast days. Children are encouraged to memorize verses from the Bible. A short general session that precedes Sunday School offers an opportunity to learn new and traditional songs, as well as learn readings. Sunday school prepares children for the first holy communion and confirmation. Sunday school children go for pleasure trips every year. Above all, our Sunday School program seeks to teach children about Christ and His Church and their role in the Church. Children are encouraged to live a life in the Church and grow closer to Christ, witnessing and spreading the love of Christ in the world they live. This fulfills 3 John 8, knowing that our children are walking and living in truth. If we want strong Christian churches in the future, the future generations need to learn about Christianity and embrace it. May God richly bless our children and utilize their talents and abilities to further His Kingdom in the future. Pray for us and the success of our Sunday School mission. With love and prayers

-Sr. Roshni

Creative Minds

क्रूसवीर प्रतियोगीता (30 जुलाई 2023)

हमारे Holy Angel’s Church, Catechism के बच्चे संत जोसेफ क्लब में हुए क्रूसवीर प्रतियोगीता में भाग लेने के लिए यहाँ से 6:30 बच्चे प्रस्थान किये और 7:00 बजे वहाँ पहुँच कर क्रूसवीर प्रतियोगीता में भाग लिया। जिसमें बच्चों ने स्वागत गान प्रस्तुत किया साथ ही बच्चों ने स्वीज, नृत्य और चित्रण प्रतियोगीता में भाग लिया।

जिसमें बच्चों ने स्वीज प्रतियोगीता में द्वितीय स्थान और नृत्य प्रतियोगिता में तीसरा स्थान तथा चित्रण प्रतियोगिता में द्वितीय स्थान प्राप्त किया । इनमें शिक्षकों ने भी अपना पुरा सहयोग किया। खास कर सि. पुष्पीका की देख रेख में क्वीज प्रतियोगीता की तैयारी हुई और नृत्य प्रतियोगीता मि० प्रीति की देख रेख में तथा चित्रण सि. रजनी और सि. मधू की देख रेख में तैयारी हुईं साथ ही स्वागत गान मि. नमिता तिकी की देख रेख में सफलता पूर्वक संपन्न हुआ तथा वहाँ से सह समेत 4:00 बजे वापसी हुई

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